Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Moment

There is a moment... when a look or a touch fills a lifetime of want and need. There is a moment... that changes all the bad to good and all the good to bad. There is a moment... when my blood can run ice cold or my cheeks flush warm with just a glance at you. There is a moment... in your heart when you know. You know that you are better off alone. Living in a just the thoughts of your mind - questioning your own sanity or perhaps your own smarts. But there is always a moment when love conquers hate and there will always be a moment in our photographs where I felt truly in love with you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Sometimes I think about you. How our lives could have been so different based on choices - we both made. You chose to marry someone else, I chose to trust the wrong person. And what it could have been like had we had not made those choices and just loved eachother.

I have discovered it's going to be a long time before I'm over you.

Because I'll always love you - I still love you.

Sad thing is I forgive you - but somehow I have to let you go.