Oh lord... Here I go talking about my failed love life. Yes, I know all you readers out there are like "What the fuck? You've been gone a whole month and now you're talking about your failed love life... again!" First, let me explain about the extended abscene - my computer died. Second, nothing horrible has happened in my love life...
Whose-it-What's-it Moved to Spain and I really haven't dated since him. Which is good I guess... I'm trying to get used to new meds the doc has me on... and the cutting my cafine intake in half... and NOT drinking.... and trying to lose weight... Lord Help us... I might go even more crazy.
However, I did notice something while I was away - people actually read this blog and that makes me happy. I know, I know.. me happy? Well, maybe that isn't the right thing to say -it's just I'm glad someone is listening and I'm glad someone can relate.
Love you all and wish you great blessings... I'll keep on truckin' with my rants and stuff. THANKS!!!