Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Booze, Tattoos, and Guitars...

Although I had to work yesterday I got a little time off to go see him. He was just a few blocks getting a tattoo, after having a few drinks. He was just getting the color on his sleeve touched up. Its absolutely beautiful. His sleeve is inspired by Starry Night by Van Gogh.

Anyways - I finally gave him the guitar he wanted. Took me forever to find it - but I got it. He was kinda taken aback by it. But ya know...

We talked about a lot of stuff. I know he has slept with other girls since he's been with me. He admitted to one - so he could get his 'Tanker Boots.' But I can forgive him anything...

He also said that he wasn't "The One." And that maybe I don't love him.. that its just lust. But I know what Lust is... and what we have is love and true friendship.

But still its all I can do to keep from buying a pack of razors and slitting my wrists. I feel like this ticking time bomb... like at any moment could be THE moment. I plan on drinking today. My new roommate I'm forced to live with now will not be in our room. So... maybe it could happen then... or maybe not... who knows...

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